CORRIERE DELLA SERA: “(…) a beat generation type writer, but also a cover-girl and illustrator for the most important European magazines.”
DONNA MODERNA: “Melanie, from Bolzano, is a born author. Not only do her readers believe this, but also renowned critics. So much so, that an authoritative name, Barbara Alberti, signed the preface to her novel Caccia d’amore ”
IL GIORNALE “Melanie, successful artist and writer has aimed at the heart of Milanese culture: a book published by Gremese, Caccia d’amore, recently presented at the Duomo gallery; an exhibition of drawings that can be seen at the Cortina gallery; and an avalanche of recognitions from the aristocracy of contemporary culture. (…) The young Italo-German artist bases everything on provocation. A provocation that is a mission for Melanie, in order to shake up the figurative situation she considers motionless…”
IL MATTINO: “There is a lot talk about her drawings. And the title of the collection seems to be a reprisal. (…) The provocation becomes patrimony, the art and, more generally, the expression are legitimate. Art for Melanie also evolves through writing to which she has been dedicated for some time. In fact, it is Fernanda Pivano who first appreciated her writing…”
IL GIORNALE: “… she writes a sober novel with a good plot (a star at the centre of four crimes) and some dribbling, then finds a godmother to sponsor and guide her: Fernanda Pivano. She publishes her novel, and Barbara Alberti, Oliviero Toscani and Giampiero Mughini speak well of her…
MAX: “Unsettling, intelligente, surprising …”
L’ESPRESSO: “For Sgarbi too, Melanie’s provoking ways promise well: “She has a real flair for writing…”
IL GIORNO: “Third book for Melanie, a writer whom Nanda Pivano also likes. “At primary school I used to write poems and as a young girl I had a diary…” that’s how Melanie introduces herself, writer on the road, a lover of instinct and life’s joys. She tells us about her life with the same liveliness with which she writes her novels. A model in Paris and a globetrotter in the Middle East. ‘When I was a little girl my father used to read the Bible and art books to me. That is how my love for beauty and poetry was born…’”
IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA: “A diploma from a grammar school where she studied the classics and a long-time globetrotter, Melanie has dedicated herself to writing and now lives in Lugano. Before la gang she published Luna di carne and Angeli d’asfalto. ‘In this last book I’m more cynical’, she says, ‘This is why I adopt a cinematographic style in my novel, without too much introspection into the characters’”.
IL GIORNALE: “Practical, small as a Mondadori paperback, Melanie is a writer well worth reading …”
IL MESSAGGERO: ”She was (…) regional champion for the 3 km race (‘I ran ten kilometres a day’). She earned her living as a model. She became a writer last year, the author of a rapid stream of books, like the rhythm of her life.”
MAXIM: “Anyone can write a book. Publishing three is another story; it means having a real need to communicate…”
MAX: “3 km race champion, model, writer, painter, TV star, columnist, poet, globetrotter: who are you? ‘An eclectic. During the Renaissance, artists were well-rounded…’”
IL TEMPO: (…) her multi-faceted artistic qualities, primarily linked to the most genuine passions rather than transgression and to a seductive sensitivity that makes this rebellious and brilliant girl an attractive example for the cinema, interested in transforming one of her books into a film.”
L’ARENA: “Love is passion like completeness, like Moon of Flesh. This is the title of her first novel, a sixteen year-old’s errant voyage in search of herself. All her life is here: her love for Roy, the Paris of artists, froud and ambiguities. And there is the passion for art and for painting with that torment that goes right to the gut and is pure adrenaline…”
iL GAZZETTINO: “A new author who writes spontaneously, with enthusiasm, instinct, carnality…”
CORRIERE DELLA SERA, NANDA PIVANO: “This lovely book with an American taste, based on action themes and a style of dialogues, has an air of youthfulness and will definitely interest young people.”
IL PICCOLO: “In the preface to this novel, Barbara Alberti defines Melanie as able to achieve in her writing, ‘a praiseworthy sobriety, elegance, skilful construction, a sense of plot and coup de théâtre’. (…) Melanie has a natural ability to guide the story without renouncing interesting intuitions, especially when she goes into the torments of fragile and confused psychologies. (…) The writing appears more mature and knowledgeable, and also more ambitious; enough to consolidate the author’s narrative abilities.”
L’ARENA: “Who knows what Melanie’s pictures are like? To judge from her text, they must be fluorescent hues. Electric blue, lacquer red, shocking pink, and maybe synthetic fibres. In fact, the book is a rapid succession of strong tones, harsh blobs that describe an youth unstably balanced between solitude and anguish. (…) A book that will be appreciated by young people and rebels.”
PRATICA: “After her success, Melanie now knows the secrets for entering such a difficult milieu.”
LA GAZZETTA DEL MEZZOGIORNO: “There are people who wait for years in the vain hope of publishing a book, and there are people who manage to come out with four of them in a few months. (…) A character created by Melanie? Already, onstage at the Parioli, Melanie doesn’t disdain being at the centre of things; still, she seems animated by a deep sincerity and is certainly supported by a redeeming obsession for her writing.”
BOSS: “A personality with a thousand facets, as well as intelligent and cultured, Melanie has imposed herself as a writer in a very short time.”
AMICA: “Written with impetus and a bit of naivety, it is the portrait of a generation trying to resist the confusion of ideologies.”
GIOIA: “A refreshing novel, at times very tough, about the loves, hopes, torments and aspirations of today’s youth…”
PANORAMA: Cesare Lanza “How about challenging the winds of war and going over to Abu-Dhabi? Melanie will be waiting for you, with ‘paintings and drawings’ on her business card. She has been a topic of conversation for some time: writer and painter, author of nine books (she published novels with Gremese, novels introduced by Barbara Alberti and Nanda Pivano), she modestly describes herself as ‘a variegated personality.’ Pretty, blonde, highly appreciated by Piero Chiambretti. Now, Sheik Nahayan Mabarak al Nahayan, the Minister of higher education and scientific research, is organising two exhibitions for her…”
SETTE, CORRIERE DELLA SERA: “’Melanie? She’s a genius of a woman, a writer, a painter. But in TV, not yet. She has to become one. But she can learn.’ Piero Chiambretti is a joking but strict teacher, even with his women. Melanie A.M., the blonde in Markette that we met a the Turin Book Fair for her latest novel published by Mondador, doesn’t bat an eyelash.”
IL GIORNALE: “…she presented her latest literary effort published by Mondadori (…) Next to her – enthusiastic about having discovered a hidden talent behind the frivolous facade – is the journalist, Alfonso Signorini. This is a novel, as Signorini points out, one read willingly and that makes you understand a bit more about this glossy world, all aglitter on paper but in reality concealing a great deal of inquietude. A book showing a reality that differs from the appearances and that plumbs the depths of female as well as male psychology. It investigates the weaknesses of our times with an ironic and intelligent style.”
KHALEEJ TIMES: “Presented by the consulate General of Switzerland under the patronage of his Highness Sheik Nahyan Bin Mubarak al Nahyan, Minister of higher education and scientific research, the exhibition will be on until April 1. Beginning her career as fashion model in Paris, Melanie discovered a passion and talent for contemporary fine arts. She dedicated herself to writing and painting and soon her portfolio grew to include some of the most subjective and introspective works of art that won her critical acclaim across Europe, ‘I would describe myself as a minimalist realist in literature and a pop-surrealist in art,’ she often stated. Today, with nine books behind her, seven of which are highly successful novels, Melanie has earned the appreciation of the public and critics alike…”
GULF TODAY: “Artists are benefactors of humanity and it is essential for them to smile even in troubled times like the current global situation, the artist said in reference to the war in Iraq.”
GULF NEWS: “In Europe you grow up with history behind you. My work has been influenced by the Renaissance. That is why you see such enormous paintings. And my love for anatomy…”
GULF TODAY: “Melanie is a successful author of nine novels, a TV personality and a promising contemporary artist. Her art reflects a sense of devotion to history, to the classical world studied in Greek and Latin texts and, in general, to a Europe teeming with museums and ancient works of art. It also reflects her love for portraits and the architectural structure of the human body. Gifted with an exceptional sensitivity for portraits (…), her paintings are imbued with a sense of reality and beauty. A feeling of metaphysical suspension is very dominant in her paintings, be it the perspective of a fairy-tale landscape or the emptiness of a sky or an expanded space…”
MAX, OLIVIERO TOSCANI: “I got to know Melanie through television. I remember the effect she had on me then: Melanie struck me immediately with her personality. She was so free, so different from all the other girls of her generation. These think of fashion, they only pay attention to brands, brands of all kinds and they don’t use their heads. They all conform to the same parameters. But not Melanie! She’s independent, proud, curious and original. She’s a free spirit that won’t allow herself to be caged in, someone out of the ordinary. She approaches life in her own particular way. It’s very interesting to talk to her and it’s lovely listening to her: she helps you see the world from other perspectives, and she reads the world in a different way. Last but not least, she’s such nice girl, so attractive… “
MELANIE: “Nowadays, knowledge is parcelled out, but I believe in the artist who embraces a number of different fields. I would like to be Salvador Dalì, but not so neurotic. I would like to be Andy Warhol, even though he was crazy. Yes, well, there you are… He wanted to be Marilyn Monroe, I want to be Andy Warhol…”